Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness,…

1. Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. First, determination is the key to becoming a strong leader. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. A person who is willing to work hard to accomplish goals in the face of challenges would, indeed, make a great leader. Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. A person who surrounds himself or herself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points of view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time.Identify the sentence that is a supporting detail for the following: “Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader.” Student Answer: Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points-of-view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. Comments: 2. Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. First, determination is the key to becoming a strong leader. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. A person who is willing to work hard to accomplish goals in the face of challenges would, indeed, make a great leader. Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. A person who surrounds himself or herself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points of view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time.Identify the supporting detail that contains a transitional word or phrase. Student Answer: A person who surrounds oneself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time. Comments: 3. Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. First, determination is the key to becoming a strong leader. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. A person who is willing to work hard to accomplish goals in the face of challenges would, indeed, make a great leader. Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. A person who surrounds himself or herself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points of view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time.Identify the rhetorical strategy or writing pattern that best describes this type of paragraph. Student Answer: Examples Narration Compare/Contrast Comments: 4. Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. First, determination is the key to becoming a strong leader. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. A person who is willing to work hard to accomplish goals in the face of challenges would, indeed, make a great leader. Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. A person who surrounds himself or herself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points of view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time.Identify the topic sentence of this paragraph. Student Answer: While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. Comments: 5. Question : Many people believe that leaders are born, not made. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. First, determination is the key to becoming a strong leader. Determination can be learned every day by having both small goals, such as learning how to use the Internet, and bigger goals, like earning a bachelor’s degree. A person who is willing to work hard to accomplish goals in the face of challenges would, indeed, make a great leader. Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. A person who surrounds himself or herself with new ideas and perspectives can certainly learn to be a more open and fair leader. A leader who thoughtfully considers different points of view can help bridge divides and solve problems efficiently. Furthermore, optimism provides the foundation for good leadership. Simply put, a positive outlook can be contagious, and a leader who exhibits this trait will inspire others in various contexts: the workplace, school, or the larger community. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. While there have been many unforgettable leaders whose abilities seem so natural to them, people must not forget that these abilities can be learned and honed over time.Identify a sentence that is a main point in support of the topic sentence. Student Answer: Being open-minded is another quality to learn if one wants to be an effective leader. It is this ability to inspire that distinguishes a strong leader from a merely competent leader. However, anyone can be a strong leader as long as determination, open-mindedness, and optimism are learned and developed. Comments: 6. Question : Choose the sentence that would make the most effective thesis statement. Student Answer: Many eighteen-year-olds prefer to attend a local or in-state school instead of moving away from home. Although it is common for eighteen-year-olds to move away to go to college, many prefer to attend a local or in-state school to save money on tuition and to have a ready-made support system. Although it is common for eighteen-year-olds to move away from home to go to college, many prefer to attend a local or in-state school. Comments: 7. Question : Choose the sentence that would make the most effective thesis statement. Student Answer: Our Mercedes Benz, which is over twenty-five years old, just sits in the driveway. Even though our Mercedes Benz is over twenty-five years old and appears to be broken down in the driveway, we love it. Even though our Mercedes Benz is over twenty-five years old and appears to be broken down in the driveway, it is actually the most well-built and unique-looking car in the neighborhood. Comments: 8. Question : Choose the sentence that would make the most effective thesis statement. Student Answer: Because “cyberbullying,” can cause irreparable harm to victims, adolescents who are caught committing this offense should be expelled from school and be required to attend counseling. “Cyberbullying” is a type of online harassment that is becoming more dangerous and prevalent in among adolescents and teenagers. “Cyberbullying” is a type of online harassment that is becoming more dangerous and prevalent in among adolescents and teenagers, and it needs to be stopped. Comments: 9. Question : Choose the sentence that would make the most effective thesis statement. Student Answer: The figure in Edvard Munch’s painting, The Scream, has been made into a popular and scary Halloween costume. In his famous painting The Scream, Edvard Munch’s use of brush stroke, color, and perspective arouse feelings of anxiety and despair in the viewer. Edvard Munch’s painting, The Scream, is the one of the most interesting and famous artworks of all time. Comments: 10. Question : Choose the sentence that would make the most effective thesis statement. Student Answer: More families are choosing to stay home for summer vacation instead of traveling out of state to save money, decrease carbon emissions, and appreciate local history. More families are choosing to stay home for summer vacation because they don’t have the time or money for out-of-state travel. More families are choosing to stay home for summer vacation instead of traveling out of state for different reasons. Comments: 11. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement. Student Answer: Nobody wanted to lose their place in line for the sold-out concert. Nobody wanted to lose his or her place in line for the sold-out concert. Nobody wanted to lose its place in line for the sold-out concert. Comments: 12. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun-antecedent agreement. Student Answer: Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion about the new security system. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion about the new security system. Everyone is entitled to your own opinion about the new security system. Comments: 13. Question : Select the sentence that has correct pronoun-antecedent agreement. Student Answer: It is common for students to forget to use his school’s free services. It is common for a student to forget to use their school’s free services. It is common for a student to forget to use his or her school’s free services. Comments: 14. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun usage. Student Answer: The neighbors welcomed my family and me with a backyard picnic. The neighbors welcomed me and my family with a backyard picnic. The neighbors welcomed my family and I with a backyard picnic. Comments: 15. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun usage. Student Answer: His sister is twelve years younger than us. His sister is twelve years younger than him. His sister is twelve years younger than I. Comments: 16. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun usage. Student Answer: Ben plans to play basketball every Saturday with Jeff and I. Ben plans to play basketball every Saturday with Jeff and me. Ben plans to play basketball every Saturday with I and Jeff. Comments: 17. Question : Select the sentence with correct pronoun usage. Student Answer: Shannon divided the tasks for the upcoming project between us and them. Shannon divided the tasks for the upcoming project between they and us. Shannon divided the tasks for the upcoming project between we and them. Comments: 18. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: The Japanese maple on the balcony, as well as the herb garden, need watering. The Japanese maples on the balcony, as well as the herb garden, needs watering. The Japanese maple on the balcony, as well as the herb garden, needs watering. Comments: 19. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: Politics are always a controversial topic among my friends. Politics is always a controversial topic among my friends. Politics were always a controversial topic among my friends. Comments: 20. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: My family loves to play Scrabble every Friday night. My family love to play Scrabble every Friday night. My families loves to play Scrabble every Friday night. Comments: 21. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: Everyone, except for the guest of honor, was late for the surprise party. Everyone, except for the guest of honor, were late for the surprise party. Everyone, except for the guest of honor, are late for the surprise party. Comments: 22. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: One of my friends are a doctor and lieutenant commander in the Navy. One of my friends were a doctor and lieutenant commander in the Navy. One of my friends is a doctor and lieutenant commander in the Navy. Comments: 23. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: The 2008 Olympics was held in Beijing, China. The 2008 Olympics were held in Beijing, China. The 2008 Olympics are held in Beijing, China. Comments: 24. Question : Select the sentence that has correct subject-verb agreement. Student Answer: Each of the eggs in that carton are already broken. Each of the eggs in that carton were already broken. Each of the eggs in that carton is already broken. Comments: 25. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: Durian, a fruit commonly eaten in Southeast Asia, is pollinated by the dawn bat. Durian a fruit commonly eaten in Southeast Asia, is pollinated by the dawn bat. Durian, a fruit, commonly eaten in Southeast Asia is pollinated by the dawn bat. Durian a fruit commonly eaten in Southeast Asia is, pollinated by the dawn bat. Comments: 26. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: Yvette knew that she got the job because, she was introduced to the district manager as soon as the interview ended. Yvette knew that she got the job, because she was introduced to the district manager as soon as the interview ended. Yvette knew that she got the job, because, she was introduced to the district manager as soon as the interview ended. Yvette knew that she got the job because she was introduced to the district manager as soon as the interview ended. Comments: 27. Question : Select the sentence that uses commas correctly. Student Answer: This wool sweater, a gift from my favorite aunt, has survived many washes at the Laundromat. This wool sweater a gift from my favorite aunt has survived many washes at the Laundromat. This, wool sweater, a gift from my favorite aunt has survived many washes at the Laundromat. This wool sweater, a gift from my favorite aunt has survived many, washes at the Laundromat. Comments: 28. Question : Select the sentence that uses commas correctly. Student Answer: Our new landlord promised to fix the shower on, Wednesday morning. However he did not do it until, Friday afternoon. Our new landlord promised to fix the shower on Wednesday morning. However, he did not do it, until Friday afternoon. Our new landlord promised to fix the shower on Wednesday morning. However, he did not do it until Friday afternoon. Our new landlord promised to fix the shower on Wednesday morning. However he did not do it until Friday afternoon. Comments: 29. Question : Select the sentence that uses commas correctly. Student Answer: In Latin America, the Day of the Dead, is a tradition that is celebrated on the first and second day of November. In Latin America the Day of the Dead, is a tradition that is celebrated on the first and second day of November. In Latin America, the Day of the Dead is a tradition that is celebrated on the first, and second day of November. In Latin America, the Day of the Dead is a tradition that is celebrated on the first and second day of November. Comments: 30. Question : Select the sentence that uses commas correctly. Student Answer: Cast members from the popular television series, Heroes, appeared at the Comic-Con one year in San Diego. Cast members from the popular television series Heroes appeared at the Comic-Con one year in San Diego. Cast members from the popular television series Heroes, appeared at the Comic-Con one year in San Diego. Cast members, from the popular television series Heroes, appeared at the Comic-Con one year in San Diego. Comments: 31. Question : Select the sentence that uses commas correctly. Student Answer: The iPhone with its eye-catching design and unique features is the most coveted Apple product on the market these days. The iPhone with its eye-catching design and unique features, is the most coveted Apple product on the market these days. The iPhone, with its eye-catching design and unique features, is the most coveted Apple product on the market these days. The iPhone, with its eye-catching design and unique features is, the most coveted Apple product on the market these days. Comments: 32. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: I forgot to bring a lunch to work, I had to buy an expensive sandwich at the coffee kiosk. I forgot to bring a lunch to work; I had to buy an expensive sandwich at the coffee kiosk. I forgot to bring a lunch to work I had to buy an expensive sandwich—at the coffee kiosk. I forgot to bring a lunch to work; and I had to buy an expensive sandwich at the coffee kiosk. Comments: 33. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: Carl’s beta fish stopped eating because it’s aquarium was so filthy. Carls’ beta fish stopped eating because its aquarium was so filthy. Carl’s beta fish stopped eating because its aquarium was so filthy. Carls’ beta fish stopped eating because its’ aquarium was so filthy. Comments: 34. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: For our bosses birthday, we gave her a gift certificate to her favorite spa. For our bosses’ birthday, we gave her a gift certificate to her favorite spa. For our boss’es birthday, we gave her a gift certificate to her favorite spa. For our boss’s birthday, we gave her a gift certificate to her favorite spa. Comments: 35. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: I want to send the Larkins’ a “thank you” card for the gift, but I dont’ have their new address. I want to send the Larkins a “thank you” card for the gift, but I don’t have their new address. I want to send the Larkins’ a “thank you” card for the gift, but I don’t have their new address. I want to send the Larkin’s a “thank you” card for the gift, but I don’t have their new address. Comments: 36. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: When Carlos car’s engine light came on, he made an appointment with his mechanic right away. When Carlos’ cars engine light came on, he made an appointment with his mechanic right away. When Carlos’s car’s engine light came on, he made an appointment with his mechanic right away. When Carlos’s cars’ engine light came on, he made an appointment with his mechanic right away. Comments: 37. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: Leslie’s urban home is beginning to look like a small farm, she has roosters, cats, bunnies, turtles, and lizards. Leslie’s urban home is beginning to look like a small farm; she has roosters, cats, bunnies, turtles, and lizards. Leslie’s urban home is beginning to look like a small farm: She has roosters; cats; bunnies; turtles; and lizards. Leslie’s urban home is beginning to look like a small farm: She has roosters, cats, bunnies, turtles, and lizards. Comments: 38. Question : Select the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Student Answer: Mary loves to purchase many types of products from catalogs clothing, cookware, furniture, and artwork. Mary loves to purchase many types of products from catalogs: clothing, cookware, furniture, and artwork. Mary loves to purchase many types of products from catalogs; clothing, cookware, furniture, and artwork. Mary loves to purchase many types of products from catalogs-clothing, cookware, furniture, and artwork. Comments: 39. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: We are in receipt of your resume and cover letter. We will be contacting you soon. We are in receipt of your resume and cover letter, and we would contact you soon. We have received your resume and cover letter, and we will contact you soon. We have received your resume and cover letter; we’re going to contact you soon. Comments: 40. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: Spencer was promoted in spite of the fact that the economy is in a recession. Spencer was promoted, even though the economy is in a recession. Spencer was promoted despite that the economy’s in a recession. Spencer was promoted regardless of the economy being in a recession. Comments: 41. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: Steve only eats vegetables while his twin brother eats meat. Steve eats only vegetables, but his twin brother eats meat. Steve only eats vegetables, but his twin brother only eats meat. While Steve eats vegetables, his twin brother eats meat. Comments: 42. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: While in pajamas every morning, my next-door neighbor takes his dog for a walk. Every morning my next-door neighbor takes his dog for a walk while in pajamas. While in pajamas, my next-door neighbor takes his dog for a walk every morning. Every morning my next-door neighbor takes his dog for a walk in his pajamas. Comments: 43. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: The reason Ryan was absent from work for one week is because he had the flu. Ryan was absent from work for a week because he had the flu. Because of the flu, Ryan was absent from work for one week. Ryan was absent from work because he suffered the flu for one week. Comments: 44. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: Running laps before warming up, Tiffany’s legs were sore. Tiffany’s legs were sore because she ran laps before warming up. Before warming up, Tiffany’s legs were sore because she ran laps. Tiffany’s legs were sore because she was running laps before warming up. Comments: 45. Question : Select the sentence that is most clear and concise. Student Answer: In the near future, the majority of students in college will be taking a percentage of their classes online. In the very near future, the majority of college students will be taking a large percentage of their classes online. Most college students will soon take some classes online. In a short period of time, most college students will take some of their classes online. Comments:

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