Weeks 3-4 Written Assignment
Submit as single MS Word document.
Title each Part below.
The minimum approximate length for the entire assignment should be about1500 words
- Part 1 of 2 (refer to Week 3 Readings in the Lessons for Week 3)
- Evaluate arguments and theses by
- Clemente (2013)
- Bellovin, Bradner, Diffie, Landau & Rexford (2011)
- Saadawi & Jordan (2011) and
- FEMA (2013).
Specifically, respond to the following questions:
- What do they in common?
- What are the differences is their assessment of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection?
- How does FEMA’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan address key requirements set for by Clemente (2011)?
- Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.
- You must utilize literature and cite and reference your work using APA style.
- Part 2 of 2 (refer to Week 4 Readings in the Lessons for Week 4)
- Evaluate
- Findings and Lessons Learned in Xia, Becerra-Fernandez, Gudi, & Rocha-Mier (2011)
- Information Fusion in Hennessy, Patterson & Lin (Eds.) (2003).
- Can these findings be utilized in your city, county, state EOC. Why? Why not?
- Conclude with a research or policy question for further research
- You must utilize literature and cite properly.
- Use APA style. Submit as Microsoft Word document.
- Name the single file “EDMG600Weeks3-4_YourLastName.doc/x” (e.g., EDMG600Weeks3-4_Pesic.doc/x).
****************************************** Week 3 Assignments ********************************************
- Reading and Resources
- Week 3 Assignments
- Reading Assignment
- Required: Clemente, D. (2013). Cyber security and global interdependence: What is critical? Programme Report. February 2013. Chattam House.
- Required: Bellovin, S. M., Bradner, S. O., Diffie, W, Landau, S. & Rexford, J. (2011). Can It Really Work? Problems with Extending EINSTEIN 3 to Critical Infrastructure. Harvard National Security Journal. 3.1, pp. 1-38.
- Required: Saadawi, T & Jordan, J. Jr., (2011). eds. Cyber Infrastructure Protection. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute.
- Required: FEMA (2013). National Infrastructure Protection Plan.
- U.S. Government Accountability Office (2011). Electricity Grid Modernization: Progress Being Made on Cybersecurity Guidelines, but Key Challenges Remain to Be Addressed. Washington, DC.
- Kerfoot, T. (2012). Cybersecurity: Towards A Strategy for Securing Critical Infrastructure from Cyberattacks. Silicon Flatirons A Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship at the University of Colorado.
- Ghosh, C. N. (2000). EMP Weapons. Strategic Analysis Volume 24, Issue 7.
The potential impacts of three High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) threats on Smart Grids. Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine, IEEE, Volume 1, Issue, 2, July 2012.
Kramer, D. (2009). US electricity grid still vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses”. Physics Today, 62(9), 24..
Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
- Cowan, E. & Deakin, W. (2008). Visualisation of critical Infrastructure Failure. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Information Warfare and Security Conference.
- Jabbour, K., & Muccio, S. (2011). The Science of Mission Assurance. Journal of Strategic Security, Volume 4 Number 2.
- Amin, S., Litrico, X., Sastry, S. S., & Bayen, A. M. (2010). Stealthy deception attacks on water SCADA systems. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 13th ACM international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control.
- Jamieson, R., Land, L., Smith, S., Stephens, G., & Winchester, D. (2009). Critical infrastructure information security: Impacts of identity and related crimes. PACIS 2009 Proceedings Association for Information Systems.
- Anwar, A. (2014). Cyber Security of Smart Grid Infrastructure, in The State of the Art in Intrusion Prevention and Detection, CRC Press, pp. 449-472.
- Frank L., Greitzer R. & Hohimer, E.(2011). Modeling Human Behavior to Anticipate Insider Attacks. Journal of Strategic Security, Volume IV Issue 2 2011, pp. 25-48.
- NASCIO (2012). Cyber Security Awareness Resource Guide
- Rivera, T. (2011). Offensive use of virtual small arms and mitigative counterstriking.
- Transportation Research Board Special Report 274 (2003). Cybersecurity of Freight Information Systems. National Research Council of the National Academies.
- Verizon (2013). Data breach investigations report.
- Verizon (2016). Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report Summary and Analysis.
- Committee on Enhancing the Robustness and Resilience of Future Electrical Transmission and Distribution in the United States to Terrorist Attack; Board on Energy and Environmental Systems; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences (2012). Terrorism and the electric power delivery system. National Research Council. The National Academies Press.
- Goodman, S. E. & Lin, H. S. (Eds.) (2007). Toward a safer and more secure cyberspace. Committee on Improving Cybersecurity Research in the United States, National Research Council. The National Academies Press.
******************************************** Week 4 *************************************************
- Week 4
Reading and Resources
- Week 4 Reading Assignment
- Required: Xia, W., Becerra-Fernandez, I., Gudi, A., & Rocha-Mier, J. (2011). Emergency Management Task Complexity and Knowledge-Sharing Strategies. Cutter IT Journal, 24(1), pp. 20-25.
- Required: Hennessy, Patterson & Lin (Eds.) (2003), Information Technology for Counterterrorism: Immediate Actions and Future Possibilities, Section 2 (Types of threats associated with information technology infrastructure), Section 3.2 Systems for Emergency Response and Section 4. National Academies Press. (it may take a few minutes to download and open).
- Required: Zibuschka, J., Laufs, U. & Roßnagel, H. (2011). Towards ubiquitous emergency management systems. Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings.
- Required: Amin, S., & Goldstein, M. P. (2008). Data against natural disasters: establishing effective systems for relief, recovery, and reconstruction. Washington DC: World Bank.
- Required: Becerra-Fernandez, I., Xia, W., Gudi, A. & Rocha, J. (2008). Task Characteristics, Knowledge Sharing and Integration, and Emergency Management Performance: Research Agenda and Challenges. Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference – Washington, DC, USA, May 2008.
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***************************************** LAST Week comment from professor **********************************************
APA formatting had concerns. Please use the APA formatted templates provided. For the assignment, you were ask to provide an approximate 1000-word in-depth evaluation of three articles of your choice from the Week 1 Reading List and conduct the following: (1) discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each; (2) indicated the most and lest persuasive premise, claim or rebuttal; and (3) conclude with a research or policy question for further research. Additionally you were to answer the…. has U.S. federal government developed a robust legal, regulatory and policy framework to address cyber security challenges? Why? Why not? And, conclude with a research or policy question for further research. Please see the feedback embedded in your paper and in the attached scoring rubric. Please implement the feedback in your future work. Please ensure you use the templates below:
APA Paper Template
Formatting Your APA Document Video
APA Citation Basics Video
APA Formatting Reference List Basics Video