They have a magnificent team. These people are always kind and willing to listen to your concerns or issues. Better yet, your assignment is always ready before the time, they usually send you a draft to double-check before they finalize your paper.
There was a company (XYZ Cruise Lines) in the vacation industry that had a reservations system for their cruise operations that was designed for agents to book cruise passengers for individual bookings within five to seven minutes. This system created a competitive advantage among travel agents as they can book their clients fast from the start of the process to the payment screen. Their largest competitor had a reservation system that took approximately 15 minutes, which was a clear competitive advantage for XYZ Cruise Lines. However, the competitor had an automated process to check in customers at the pier and provided for an electronic boarding pass where the passengers would carry an identification card with a magnetic strip to allow for faster embarkation of the ship at the pier and at the ports of call. XYZ Cruise Lines was still utilizing a manual system for embarkation and utilized paper-boarding passes. Since customers tend to remember any bad experiences with the beginning (embarkation process) and the end (disembarkation process) of the trip more than during the trip, the embarkation process has caused a lot of dissatisfaction especially among those passengers who sailed with the competitor in the past. In an effort to improve the process, XYZ Cruise Lines a state-of-the=art Ship Embarkation System was being developed. This new planned system will allow the passengers to be processed faster for the embarkation process and a plastic card with a magnetic strip will be activated and utilized as the electronic boarding pass. Additionally, this same card will also be utilized as the Point of Sale purchase card creating a cashless process for the passengers to buy drinks and other extras on board the ship during the voyage. This will further XYZ as the completive leader in the industry.
This new system will have to communicate with the current reservations system via satellite connectivity. This software development project had four main components: (a) Ship Embarkation System, (b) Point of Sale System (POS), (c) Satellite Technology Utility for connectivity from the HQ’s Reservations System to the Ship, and (d) Upgrade to the existing Reservations System to generate the upload to the Ship’s Embarkation and POS systems. All components were completed by December 1st and was ready for the integration testing process so that the project can be implemented on December 15th just before the start of the busy season at which time further software project implementations are not permitted for six months due to the heavy volume impacting the Reservations System.
When it came time for the integration testing, the upgrade for the Reservations System could not be made for the test environment because the upgrade was not moved to the Quality Control environment and the software changes was still in the programmer’s work file. No other developer or anyone in IT management had access to these files. The programmer that had worked on these changes had a heart attack and was in the hospital. As a result, the Project Manager informed everyone that they were going to miss the deadline and now had to wait six more months before this project could be implemented and the Business Sponsor was furious.
The Quality Assurance Manager asked the reason for the missed deadline and when she heard the story, she asked the IT Project Manager for the Risk Management Plan. He said that they do not believe in planning for risk events because this was a negative process and they support a positive approach towards the systems development process. Since there was not a risk matrix created and the risk for the developer to have a heart attack was not considered, the project was delayed and the company lost an opportunity to improve their competitive advantage, which equaled to millions of dollars in potential future bookings.
After reading the Quality Assurance Manager’s report, Senior Management asked the following questions:
Management is upset that there is an occurrence of a major risk that could affect the project is a large fashion. Your job is to prepare a 5 to 8 minute presentation, using PowerPoint Presentation with your recorded voice that which addresses the five questions posed by Senior Management and reflects your research and thorough analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the case. You will need to set the voice playback (sound) and the slide transitions to automatic in PowerPoint. You may wish to convert the presentation to a MP4 video.
You should use at least two scholarly resources to validate your presentation and present all resources in a slide or frame near the end of your presentation. This listing should be in APA format.
The case study will involve a process-orientated assignment consisting of reviewing the case, analyzing the data provided in the case and transforming the issues into a practical solution (Processes). The data presented in the case will be collected, analyzed and synthesized. (Data). After analyzing and synthesizing the data, the student will use a Microphone to create narration for a slide presentation via PowerPoint with automatic transitions, Movie Maker, PowerPoint Video Tool, or other such presentation/video tools available to the student. Either the PowerPoint or resulting MP4 video will be embedded to a discussion thread for asynchronous discussion activity (Devices). Finally, a peer review of this activity will be performed following the submission of the presentation, providing an integral network of outsiders analyzing and evaluating the solution provided (People).
LMA: PROJ586.WK5.RubricLMA: PROJ586.WK5.RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRisk Management Planning (PMI)Addresses what PMI recommends about Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk by applying it to the case.20.0 to >17.9 ptsExcellentStudent presents completely the recommendations of PMI regarding Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk. Additionally, these recommendations are fully compared, contrasted, and synthesized to the actual case analyzed.17.9 to >13.9 ptsCompetentStudent presents completely the recommendations of PMI regarding Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk. Additionally, these recommendations are somewhat compared, contrasted, and synthesized to the actual case analyzed.13.9 to >7.9 ptsFairStudent presents completely the recommendations of PMI regarding Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk. However, these recommendations are not compared, contrasted, and synthesized to the actual case analyzed.7.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorStudent does not fully present the recommendations of PMI regarding Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableStudent does not address what PMI recommends about Risk Management Planning, Monitoring Risk, and Controlling Risk by applying it to the case.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRisk Planning as Positive ActivityAdequately explains why a project manager or any stakeholder should not view risk planning for projects as a negative activity.20.0 to >17.9 ptsExcellentStudent effectively present an appraisal and argument fully supporting that project risk management is necessary in an effort focused on being proactive, rather than merely reactive, and use risk management to both drive competitive advantage and sustain the ability to complete the planned project.17.9 to >13.9 ptsCompetentStudent presents an appraisal and argument mostly supporting that project risk management is necessary in an effort focused on being proactive, rather than merely reactive, and use risk management to both drive competitive advantage and sustain the ability to complete the planned project.13.9 to >7.9 ptsFairStudent presents an appraisal and argument somewhat supporting that project risk management is necessary in an effort focused on being proactive, rather than merely reactive, and use risk management to both drive competitive advantage and sustain the ability to complete the planned project.7.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorStudent provides limited support that project risk management is necessary in an effort focused on being proactive, rather than merely reactive, and use risk management to both drive competitive advantage and sustain the ability to complete the planned project.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableAn appraisal and argument supporting proactive risk management are not evident.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDue DiligenceAnalyzed and synthesized the due diligence process regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assess all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks.20.0 to >17.9 ptsExcellentStudent fully analyzed and synthesized the case facts with respect to the due diligence process regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assessing all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks. The student presents several issues in the case where due diligence was not completed by the organization in the case.17.9 to >13.9 ptsCompetentStudent mostly analyzed and synthesized the case facts with respect to the due diligence process regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assessing all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks. The student presents a few issues in the case where due diligence was not completed by the organization in the case.13.9 to >7.9 ptsFairStudent somewhat analyzed and synthesized the case facts with respect to the due diligence process regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assessing all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks. The student presents only one possible issue in the case where due diligence was not completed by the organization in the case.7.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorStudent present limited case facts with respect to the due diligence process regarding the creation of a risk management plan, assessing all major risks, and developing appropriate risk responses and a plan for monitoring and controlling risks. The student does not present any possible issue in the case where due diligence was not completed by the organization in the case.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableStudent did not present any analysis of the case facts regarding due diligence.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContingency PlansPresenting contingency plans or actions that could have been taken to limit the impact of this possible risk event and other such related events, while presenting some appropriate recommendations for such projects in the future based upon this case.20.0 to >17.9 ptsExcellentStudent completely and adequately explains at least three contingency plans or actions that could have been taken to limit the impact of this possible risk event and other such related events, while presenting some appropriate recommendations for such projects in the future based upon this case.17.9 to >13.9 ptsCompetentStudent completely and adequately explains at least two contingency plans or actions that could have been taken to limit the impact of this possible risk event and other such related events, while presenting some appropriate recommendations for such projects in the future based upon this case.13.9 to >7.9 ptsFairStudent completely and adequately explains only one contingency plan or action that could have been taken to limit the impact of this possible risk event and other such related events, while presenting some appropriate recommendations for such projects in the future based upon this case.7.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorStudent only presents a limited recommendation for such projects in the future based upon this case.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableStudent does not present any possible plan or action or recommendation.20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKCL.PROJ586.CO-D.Risk-Managementview longer descriptionthreshold: 3.0 pts4.0 ptsExcellent: Clear and consistent focus on purpose and audience. Develops a strong central idea and demonstrates effective identification, analysis, assessment, and evaluation of potential risks. Additionally, the student presents contingency and/or mitigation for those risks with the greatest impact and/or probability of occurrence. The distinctive voice of the writers emerges through superior command of language. Sources are used, if required, to support and develop concepts and ideas, and are properly cited (in-text) and documented (reference page or works cited). Exhibits stylistic variety and energy. Essentially free from mechanical errors.3.0 ptsCompetent: Generally engaged with purpose and audience. Central idea addresses the topic but is vaguely realized in places regarding the demonstration of effective identification, analysis, assessment, and evaluation of potential risks. Additionally, the student generally presents contingency and/or mitigation for those risks with the greatest impact and/or probability of occurrence. Generally well organized, with adequate support in the process of developing precedence relationships among activities, a network diagram and critical path, and schedule. However, there are some misplaced details or logical inconsistencies. The writers’ voice is apparent but occasionally inconsistent. Demonstrates competent use of language and a workable style. Mechanical errors do not significantly interfere with meaning.2.0 ptsFair: Partially aware of purpose and audience. Development of central idea produces some distortion or may neglect significant issues regarding the demonstration of effective identification, analysis, assessment, and evaluation of potential risks. The student somewhat presents contingency and/or mitigation for some of the risks with the greatest impact and/or probability of occurrence. The plan of organization is undermined by omission of ideas and details, and illogical or simplistic reasoning in the process of developing precedence relationships among activities, a network diagram and critical path, and schedule. Sources, if required, are used, but with frequent or pervasive inconsistencies in support and/or format. The writers’ voice is weakly developed and use of language may be vague, imprecise, or awkward. Style is repetitive or plodding. Mechanical errors sometimes interfere with meaning.1.0 ptsPoor: The writer seem unaware of purpose, audience, or organization. There is little evidence of a controlling idea. The writers fail to respond to the situation or explore the issues. The writers’ voice is not recognizable due to inadequate control of language. Style is undeveloped. Sources are required, but are not used thus ideas require support or sources are not cited or correctly documented throughout. Excessive grammatical and mechanical errors block meaning.0.0 ptsUnacceptable: The presentation does not meet the standards.4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNarrationPowerPoint or Video Presentation created that is well structured and organized with voice narration.8.0 to >6.9 ptsExcellentPowerPoint or Video Presentation created that includes voice narrations where the voice automatically plays with automatic transitions of slides or frames, along with being structured well and very organized with virtually no errors made.6.9 to >4.9 ptsCompetentPowerPoint or Video Presentation created that includes voice narrations where the voice automatically plays with automatic transitions of slides or frames, along with being structured and organized with some minor errors made.4.9 to >3.9 ptsFairPowerPoint or Video Presentation created that includes voice narrations but the voice does not automatically play with automatic transitions of slides or frames, along with being structured and organized with some minor errors made. Either the slides are not automatic or the voice is not automatic, or both.3.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorPowerPoint or Video Presentation does not include any voice narration but still can be view self-sufficient without voice narration; or the voice narration exists but there are several errors or the presentation is poorly organized and structured.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThe presentation does not meet the standards.8.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly Resources and APAThe presentation includes at least two scholarly resources to validate the presentation and presented all resources in a slide or frame near the end of the presentation. This listing should be in APA format.8.0 to >6.9 ptsExcellentThis presentation includes a reference listing with at least two scholarly resources that is peered reviewed and not from the textbook. The listing of references are listed near the end of the slide presentation and is in proper APA format.6.9 to >4.9 ptsCompetentThis presentation includes a reference listing with at least two scholarly resources that is peered reviewed and not from the textbook. The listing of references is not in proper APA format and/or not located at the end of the presentation.4.9 to >3.9 ptsFairThis presentation includes a reference listing with at least one scholarly resources that is peered reviewed and not from the textbook. The listing of references The listing of references may not in proper APA format and/or not located at the end of the presentation.3.9 to >0.9 ptsPoorThis presentation includes a reference listing the references do not reflect scholarly resources that is peered reviewed and not from the textbook. The listing of references is may not in proper APA format and/or not located at the end of the presentation.0.9 to >0 ptsUnacceptableThere is not any reference listing.8.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0PreviousNext
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