
Chapter 9

  1. Outline the steps involved in the process of hypothesis testing.
  2. Describe the possible explanations for the situation when a sample statistic fails to equal a population parameter?

Chapter 10

  1. A researcher wants to test for a relationship between the number of citizen complaints that a police officer receives and whether or not that officer commits serious misconduct. He gathers a sample of officers and records the number of complaints lodged against them (0-2, 3-5, 6+) and whether they have ever been written up for misconduct (yes or no).  Can he use a chi square to test for a relationship between these two variables. Why or why not?
  2. A researcher wishes to to test for a relationship between age and criminal offending. She gathers a sample and for each person she collects his or her age (in years) and whether that person has ever committed a crime (yes or no). Can she use a chi square to test for a relationship between these two variables? why or why not?
  3. A researcher is interested in finding out whether people who drive vehicles that are in bad condition are more likely than those driving better cars to be pulled over by the police. She collects a sample and codes with each persons vehicle’s condition (good, fair, poor) and the number of times that person was been pulled over (measured by respondents writing in the correct number). Can she use a chi square to test for a relationship between these two variables? 
  4. A researcher is studying the effectiveness of an in person treatment program in reducing post release recidivism. He gathers a  sample of recently released prisoners and records for each person whether he or she participated in a treatment program while incarcerated (yes or no) and whether that person committed a crime within 6 months of release (yes or no). Can he use a chi square to test for a relationship between these two variables? Why or why not?
